Thursday, June 2, 2016

It's All About the Flowers.

Why is it all about the flowers?  Well, I've been insanely busy and have only succeeded in knitting another couple of inches on the blue stripy socks.    For example, this weekend for my husband's Memorial Day Weekend and Birthday Bash, we had a zillion people over to play board games, eat grilled food, and ameliorate the crazy hot weather (96 F!  In May!) by taking a dip in the pool (in May! And it was warm enough!).  And my knitting friend Kali launched the theme of the week by bringing me flowers.

The yellow irises went from only one bloom to an explosion of petals up and down the side of the yard.

The blue flags took up the challenge with fewer numbers but even more vivid colors.

The Siberian irises on the other side have only been there a few years, but already putting on a nice show.

The lupine couldn't bear to be left out, and launched an early bloom.  The lupines have been coming along slowly but persistently.

And despite the severe pruning it underwent last summer, even the rhododendron managed a cheery contribution.

I'm not much of a gardener, but I do love to see the flowers every day.   It's the best part of summer.   Now a deep breath and I'm off and running again.   See you on the flip side.


  1. Your irises are GORGEOUS!!! And those Lupine! Mine are doing well, but I expect it will be a year or two before I see blooms on them. They had some at the garden centre, and they were huge! My seedlings have a long way to go. The Rhododendron is pretty, but they are hard to keep through the winter this far north.

  2. AnonymousJune 23, 2016

    Your flowers are beautiful. The pink on the rhododendron is gorgeous!
