No, not in the metaphysical sense. Here is where I confess that this idea started more or less as, "All the *cool* kids have blogs, I wanna blog too!" But as I've read more blogs, particularly knitting blogs, I've felt an increasing urge to spam their comments talking about my own projects, babble on at length about tools and techniques, and in general hijack other people's space for my own ends. Which would Clearly Be Wrong. And most of the people I know in other contexts have limited or no interest in a new set of sock needles or the spiffy new bookcases my husband and I built in our library. So here I am, succumbing to peer pressure, not to mention the avid desire to connect with other folks who fondle fiber and approach power tools without fear.
As for who I am- I'm an engineer by profession, and compulsive hobbyist. I have dabbled or practiced all kinds of crafts; from sewing, knitting, quilting and embroidery to carpentry, upholstery, rug hooking and various DIY projects around the house. Knitting is more or less a ground state- small projects go on in the background even when most of my attention is elsewhere. While I certainly have done decorative crafts, my tendency is to gravitate to the practical- quilts to sleep under, knitted things to wear, furniture for the cat to sleep on.
I'm a native New Englander and currently live in southern NH with my husband and our unbelievably adorable cat. When I'm
not obsessed with taking a break from projects, I love to read, write, hike, bicycle, ski, rollerblade, practice karate, and play several musical instruments with varying degrees of skill.
welcome to the blog world :-)